Darkroom and book/box making

For the past two years I've worked as a university photography tutor and being in a school of art has made me want to do some of what the students get up to. I've always been a little envious of people who did an art foundation (I stopped art at GCSE) and have never worked with film photography or spent any time in a darkroom. So I'm trying to make up for lost time.One of the perks of working at a uni is access to the facilities so I recently started trying to use the darkroom a bit while the students are away. I don't have much work to print so need to get out and make some more asap so I can practise more...    I also spent the weekend on a book and box making workshop at Hot Bed Press in Salford - run by my MMU colleague Sylvia Waltering. Over the course of two days we made an A5 notebook and portfolio box and I'm absolutely buzzing with how good they look and can't wait to try it myself.


Got Through It - Traveller reflections project


Reflections project - ups and downs