Februllage 2022

I've been having a busy few months - well I was until I was struck down by Covid-19 this week - but I know from experience that I'm always able to make myself even busier, just when it doesn't seem possible.And so it was that in February I got involved in the online challenge Februllage, which sees artists and enthusiasts across the world make daily collages for a month, in response to a series of prompts. I came across it for the first time last year, when a few participants crossed my radar on Instagram.This time I really wanted to do it, to use the opportunity to give myself a push. I didn't know if I'd end up doing the whole month but somehow I did. I tried not to think too deeply about the the work and to spend no more than half an hour on each piece.As I've been rushing from one project to another lately, and desperately trying to keep too many plates in the air, I have wondered whether I spend too much time daydreaming and overthinking everything when I'm less busy. The answer for me is probably a balance of the two states.Anyway here are my favourite collages that I made during the month.

Making of Us film


Street Level Photoworks exhibition