Graffiti: Things are getting verse

A rather amusing story I covered for today's MEN:

AN urban guerilla with a sense of irony and a taste for highbrow poetry, religion and insipid pop ballads is waging a war of words on the streets of Manchester.
Foot-high graffiti, quoting obscure poets and making biblical references, have been appearing on walls across Withington and Didsbury.
The image of the vandal as a tortured intellectual is dented though - by an apparent love of crooner George Michael.
In a spate of incidents, haunting lines by Irish poet Sheila Wingfield and Hungarian Zsuzsa Rakovszky, a reference to the Gospel of St Mark and lyrics by the pop star were daubed on buildings.
The graffiti has triggered outrage among locals, who refuse to see its cultural merit and have called in the police.
One of the first attacks saw `I'm Meek!! And I'm here for my inheritance' - a reference to the biblical line `Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth' - painted in capitals on Didsbury Baptist Church. Rakovszky's work was destined for the side of nearby Boots the Chemist, on Wilmslow Road.
The words, from the poem They Were Burning Dead Leaves read: `To have this again, just this, just the once more, I would sink below autumnal earth and place my right hand in yours like a shadow.'
Christie Hospital has now been targeted. On a door of the centre's Pasterson Institute were daubed Wingfield's words: `Unexplained in the salt meadow lay the dead bird'.

But the culprit is nothing if not culturally open-minded and revealed more popular tastes on a railway bridge on School Lane. In a line from the George Michael ballad Careless Whisper, he or she scrawled: `Guilty feet have [got] no rhythm'.
Local resident George Bridson, a member of Didsbury Civic Society, said: "This person obviously has a great knowledge of literature, but this sort of behaviour is unacceptable
"It is obviously amusing to him, but is unpleasant for the rest of us."
A police spokesman said: "We will not tolerate any acts of vandalism, including graffiti."


talking of graffiti...


insane in the brain