gypsy kings

I heard a quite astounding quote this weekend. An entry from the Encyclopaedia Britannica of 1954:"The mental age of the average adult gypsy is thought to be about that of a child of ten. Gypsies have never accomplished anything of great significance in writing, painting, music, science or social organisation. Quarrelsome, quick to anger or laughter, they are unthinkingly but not deliberately cruel. They are ostentatious and boastful, but lack bravery."Although I'd hope few people would believe that nowadays, prejudice and ignorance are alive and well. At the same time, however, there seems to be a new generation of educated and politically-conscious young Roma in countries across Europe, who are working to challenge the harmful stereotypes and misunderstandings of old and to improve the situation of their people - the most marginalised community in every country.Over the weekend I've met Roma Gypsies from Romania, Bulgaria, Spain, France, Portugal, Lithuania and Sweden as well as from across the UK. They are proud of who they are and their energy was infectious.  I learned a lot and laughed even more.(Some of the famous names reputed to have Gypsy roots include Charlie Chaplin, Rita Hayworth, Elvis Presley, Mother Teresa, Bill Clinton and Eric Cantona).


ups and downs


frantically quiet