more wrongness

Posting the gone-wrong swimming photo the other day got me thinking a little bit about photographic styles and generally odd photos. I'm not sure that I've really found a visual voice that I'm happy with and would call my own and often my better photos feel like they've come about more through luck than anything else. I still feel often unable to put my finger on what makes a good picture, and any editing down I do is done purely on instinct. Sometimes though I almost simultaneously like and dislike what comes out of my camera.
Partly that's because I'm quite self-critical, but sometimes it's because the pictures jar but yet work on another level....this is the point at which I really start to question my own judgment. That's the case with the bathing image and also the one above. There's no real story to it, other than the fact it features a man in a skirt. Which, as ex M15 whistleblower David Shayler put it in the Independent yesterday, "is whole lot less offensive than blowing up innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan." So there.


the politics of neglect


surreality flash