movement at last?
I almost don't dare believe it but things might be starting to happen with a photo project which I've been thinking about for almost two years. Britain's new Roma communities are closed off to say the least and this is how long it's taken to start meeting the right people. Finally though I've started making a few initial images - albeit for editorial commissions - and feel like someone from the community really gets what I hope to do and is making positive noises about helping me make contact with other people. Who knows if this will actually happen - I keep reminding myself though that photographers manage to deal with difficult subjects and communities all the time, so there's really no reason why I can't get there eventually, hopefully before my final MA project deadline late this year. On another front I'm off to Cumbria early tomorrow to try to push ahead with my Rethink project - I'm trying my luck with another English Gypsy community where I know some residents, before returning to my original family - hopefully in a more positive frame of mind than before. Onwards...