New Roma project website

I spent a couple of days last week turning my Roma project wordpress blog into something which resembles a proper website and shows the work off properly, with customisable galleries and various kinds of background information. The Elvira gallery features a re-edit of the images I shot after it emerged during a recent photo workshop (Brenda Kenneally at the Hinterlands) that lots of people strongly disagreed with my original choices for the book. I stand by the book edit though as I was not only selecting on the strength of the photos – for me the final narrative and the way the words and images work together was the most important consideration.Aaaanyway, it's too late now. That gallery also contains some multimedia and at the end a little audio to show viewers/listeners what Ramona's dialect of Romani sounds like. I will be adding more galleries and other bits of content as I go along so please subscribe via RSS if you are interested in the project. A section of the site which I particularly like is the scrapbook, which allows me to share odds and sods of material - phone photos for example, or bits which may not be project or even blog-quality, but which I find either interesting or relevant.Please take a look at the site and keep an eye out over the coming months as the work develops and expands.


Printing Elvira


Careless cat-loving, knife-wielding wannabes