Reflections work at Open Eye Gallery
Work I've produced during the past year with women from the Traveller community is now on show at Open Eye Gallery, where it will be until 23 December, and it looks brilliant. Our work is only a small part of a much larger showcase of socially engaged projects - it is in the atrium area outside the gallery along with the other two Reflections commissions by Tadhg Devlin and Sam Ivan. Inside are another three fabulous projects from different areas of Cheshire and Merseyside.Of the people I worked with, only one was able to attend the opening night - disability and poor health prevented some of the others. But I've now given copies of the zine to everyone I worked with and am going to try to help those who are able to visit the show. I've also given copies of the zine to the various partners and individuals who helped me develop this project.More info about the show here.