Street Fighters #6 - Seedley South

TRANSCRIPTThe people of Salford's Seedley South neighbourhood had been promised regeneration since the mid-90s but never for a moment did they realise the price they would pay for it. As chair of the local residents association, Jim Parker was one of those who really engaged with the process - giving up countless evenings over a number of years to take part in consultations and steering groups. But when the time came for something to happen - after years when the community had been left to rot - his hopes were dashed and Jim and others were left bitter. None of their input was incorporated into the plans. Instead, 350 homes have been bulldozed, including those belonging to some of the Parkers' closest friends. A primary school is currently being built on part of the site - and is already said to be too small for expected pupil numbers - but the rest has simply been cleared and grassed over.


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