sinking ship

I've had a whirlwind few days in the Big Smoke, mainly for work but I managed to squash in catching up with a couple of good friends and meeting a few new ones...including one of just four weeks old. Pretty randomly as well, I bumped into an old journalist mate on the tube - during rush hour - yesterday, when she happened to squeeze into my carriage. It just goes to show what a small place the UK actually is. I was sad to hear that she has joined the swelling ranks of former friends/colleagues of mine who are jumping ship and training in other industries which will hopefully provide both a living wage and a safer future than the print media. I have to admit that I'm now wondering about my own future in journalism almost daily. Anyway I now have a couple of days to write up the story that I went down for - featuring the lovely Scott, above. Mtf, as we say in newspapers.




onwards and upwards