Stalybridge #4

I've been back to Stalybridge on two more occasions since my last post and have met quite a few people and had lots of conversations about the town.Last Thursday I cycled back along the Ashton canal (well, I did once my husband had kindly fixed a last minute puncture for me) and kicked off my day meeting Charlie, a recently appointed curate at Holy Trinity Church in the town centre.This is clearly a super active church community which does loads of good work trying to combat isolation, poverty and lots of other issues.From there I tried my luck at one of the local allotments. I struck lucky - it was a busy morning and people were very willing to chat. I then went on to Bridge Beers, a bar and bottle shop which someone at WeAreLocal (project commissioners) had mentioned to me. David, the owner, was up for taking part.The following day unfolded in much the same way. I had one appointment set up in advance and other than that walked around trying my luck with people I chanced upon.I have a mental checklist while running these projects - I want to be as representative as possible in terms of age, gender, ethnicity etc. I don't want to be prescriptive but it's something I am conscious of.I walked around and around the town, trying to spot people who could be worth trying. I have found people extremely friendly on the whole in Stalybridge and most have been very receptive to my questions.The lady in the portrait above, Seraphine, is someone I got talking to on the street on Friday afternoon. She was incredibly friendly and receptive when I tentatively suggested going home with her (she had things to do there).I had first been attracted by the fact she seemed so sweet and was carrying her baby on her back in the African style and envisaged photographing her like that but I love the intimacy of having made the image in her lounge. That portrait is by far my favourite of the series so far.I have lots of transcribing to do now - since I always use people's own words with my images - and will be returning to Stalybridge this Friday and again early next week. I have a few appointments lined up already and have sent several messages  today to positively address the gaps within the work, but there's only so much that is possible within the time constraints for the project. At least I'm trying though.The exhibition opens on 24 September at the Astley Cheetham Gallery in Stalybridge.

Stalybridge #5


Stalybridge #3