Still here, still plodding
I have lapsed at this blogging lark. But that doesn’t mean I’m not still working on this project – I am, honestly.One of my main priorities at present is my Roma commission in Middlesbrough, where I have now been visiting one Czech family for a year – it probably works out as about once a month, although the frequency has varied. I am an incredibly slow worker, and I’m almost slightly embarrassed that I’m not anywhere near feeling ‘complete’ with this, but I think the work will hopefully be all the stronger for this time, both in terms of showing a long-term engagement through the passage of time in the images themselves, and also in terms of trust. There is talk about a possible trip to Czech in the summer, and I have been invited, but who knows whether or not that will actually happen or whether I’ll be able to go. If I can it would be amazing for the project, obviously, and I love the family so I hope it takes place.Qui vivra verra, as a French friend often says to me: time will tell.
This project strand came about – and is being funded – through a commission from Side Gallery in Newcastle, although my Arts Council grant is topping this up and allowing me to work at my preferred snail’s pace, and there is now talk of an exhibition at some undecided point in the future, which is exciting. The family of course find this very strange, but I’m sure they will love it when it happens. Here’s a few images from this weekend..