suicide city

I happened to switch on the radio tonight, during a short report about suicides in Derry, Northern Ireland.
Taxi drivers there are being trained in techniques they can put into practice when they see people trying to take their own lives at some of the city's bridges, which are suicide hotspots.
A Guardian report explains how public suicide has become an all-too-common problem over recent years, earning Derry the unwelcome moniker Suicide City.
The river is partly the problem - the Foyle, which flows through the centre, is one of the fastest flowing and most deadly in Europe.
Even from my few short visits to Derry, it was clear that there is a serious problem with young people - especially men - ending it.
Someone I met has already lost six good friends - and she is only 25. Some young people have started making pacts with their mates that no one will do it to each other.
It's hard to imagine what that must be like. Most people know someone who's done it - I knew one while at school - but the thought that so many people in one small place find life utterly hopeless is really sad.
Especially such a short time after Northern Ireland has tasted anything like peace.


populist and paranoid


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