swimming through treacle
Things are moving slowly around here at the moment.
I'm never feeling at my most productive when the weather starts to draw in, and I have been pretty busy between my work and doing everything necessary for a photography qualification that I'm currently studying for, hence little time to blog.
Below is a montage that I intend to put in as part of my project work. In time my career may change course to include more photojournalism...who knows.
I hate the idea that specialist writers or photographers are becoming devalued but sadly this is a feature of my industry today and we have to be multi-skilled...you can't do both jobs well but for a handful of low-budget publications it is something that can work.
I still have heaps of material from the Holy Land that I intend to upload bit by bit, as I wade through the 100 or so pages of Word that I transcribed directly from my shorthand over the course of the month. I have a number of features from my time there due to be run between now and Christmas, and have a few others I have to crack on and sell. With such a large amount of material though, I feel a bit like I'm swimming through treacle. There is a fair bit that won't make publishable stories that I'd still like to get 'out there' as and when I have time...so watch this space.
On another note, I found this article about India's sex trade quite interesting today. It doesn't really say anything very new, but I was interested to look through the photo gallery that went with it...it helps me to empathise with the subjects of a feature so much if I can put a face to them. It's fairly rare to be able to do so with sex-abuse or sex-work related stories.