the countdown

The countdown has begun before I leave home again - this time to spend a month in Israel, the Palestinian Territories and Jordan. I see this as being one of the big perks of working freelance - being able to take off on a whim for work and travel. The downside is that you lose your income while you're away and could be footing the bill for months to come.
Whatever, it's an opportunity and adventure the likes of which I'm not likely to get another chance to enjoy, so I am very excited. I have lots of interesting things lined up to do while I'm away but there is one thing I'm already certain of - that I will return even more confused about the situation over there than I already am.
I have just two weeks left before I head out there, and am still frantically trying to finish my work from India as well as a few pieces that have been hanging around since before that trip. So if I'm (even) poorer at posting than usual, that is why. I'm around in spirit but my mind is elsewhere.




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