Who cares

I've just watched documentary-maker Nick Broomfield's first short film, Who Cares (thanks Sheridan for the tip) and got the most overwhelming sense of deja vu.
In it, Liverpudlians talk about the experience of being rehoused from inner city terraces to high-rise estates. Their streets become derelict, homes are boarded up and trashed by thieves and vandals and finally demolished.
On his website, Broomfield says: "[It was] the first film I ever made. Borrowed the camera, got 'short ends' of film for free and set out with my friend Pete Archard to Liverpool. Pete is a sociologist and knew the subject really well. Took three months to shoot..."
The film was later used as evidence at the Royal Commission on Slum Clearance and Rehousing.
40 years later, some residents are saying very similar things...history is repeating itself.
You can watch Who Cares on YouTube, HERE




under the needle